Thursday, February 16, 2006

Space oddity

Ground control to major tom
Ground control to major tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

Ground control to major tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may god’s love be with you

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,
Four, three, two, one, liftoff

This is ground control to major tom
You’ve really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it’s time to leave the capsule if you dare

This is major tom to ground control
I’m stepping through the door
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do

Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles
I’m feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell me wife I love her very much she knows

Ground control to major tom
Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you....

Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the moon
Planet earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Il potere logora chi non ce l'ha
( O poder desfaz aqueles que não o possuem)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

resposta a comentário ao "Público"

Por Manuel Fernandes - Porto
Já que a imprensa ocidental é "livre", ou "tão" livre como dizem... Porque não os jornais Europeus nao publicarem um conjunto de caricaturas de Cristo e da virgem Maria? - A primeira podia ser a de Cristo a distribuir preservativos às criancincas e aos adolescentes, pregando: "façam muito Amor, meus filhos, mas com segurança!" - Há algum mal nisto?? Não andam os governos a apelar ao sexo seguro??? Ou será que Cristo deseja mais jovens mortos pela SIDA??? - A segunda poderia ser a da Virgem Maria na cama (em acto sexual) com José, envergando um cinto de ligas, dizia-lhe "Aí José a comeres-me assim ainda fazes um irmãozinho ao Jesus!" - Onde está o mal disso??? será que o José não tinha relações com Maria??? ou passavam as noites a olhar um para o outro??? Qualquer jornal que pegue na ideia e faça umas 10 ou 15 edições com caricaturas subordinadas ao tema "desta" pretensa "liberdade" de gozar com a religião dos outros faz mto dinheiro de certeza... Mas, depois, veremos se as IgrejaS portuguesas (desde a católica á evangelica, jeová, maná, etc, etc.) e o proprio Vaticano aplaudem a brincadeira!

Parece-me que nunca viu "Life of Brian".

Friday, February 03, 2006

Bright side of life

"If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing.

Always look on the bright side of life.

Always look on the right side of life,

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin.
Give the audience a grin.
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

Always look on the bright side of death,

Just before you draw your terminal breath.

Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.
Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.
You'll see it's all a show.
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

Always look on the bright side of life.

Always look on the right side of life.

Always look on the bright side of life!"

in Life of Brian (Monty Python)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Banheiras.. coiso.. mergulho!